Monday, March 1, 2010


out soon on The FUTURE RECORDINGS label, the hard cover version of WE WON'T BE HERE FOREVER , packaged with a CD soundtrack by MINUS PILOTS from England. We Won't Be Here Forever is a long short story or a short novella written by me in Virginville and Philly in the last half of 2009. the illustrations are by me as well. and beth added watercolours over them. hope you will both buy it as well as dig it.
There will be a soft cover edition on EASY SUBCULT / AMERICAN TYPE.WRITER too eventually. those will be a little bit cheaper of course, and will also come with the MINUS PILOTS thing.
but the first edition ones on Future Recordings will look amazing so get that one if you can. and there will be a book release somethingsomething in philly this spring too. i'll keep you posted. i like keeping you posted....

go here:


yttr said...

i can't wait til this comes out, you guys!!!! so beautiful.

Patty said...

Your post is great, the picture contrasting nature and city is beautiful.

nicepooperzine said...

wow, awes! looking forward to checking this out for sure! hope spring is treating you well!