Wednesday, July 17, 2013

the AMERICAN TYPEWRITER PRESS's 'commercial' (if you will)

books availale right now from American Typewriter (which is of course the publishing imprint of the easy subcult) include TULIP HAS A ROOM by Jon Vance, WE WONT BE HERE FOREVER by me, Eric de Jesus, LATE MALL BUILDER/NEW MIDDLE AGES from a gallery show i curated last year, featuring a nice long essay by Art DiFuria, and the RAW POGO ON THE SCAFFOLD BOXSET of course.

coming next is LAST CLEAN DIRTY SHIRT, a collection of writing by am typewriter affiliated authors from ohio (mathew wascovich), paris (jayne amara ross, david barnes, alberto tony rigetini, james jewell & antonia klimencho), pennsylvania (me, dave parise, dan sevem, mike rimm and annie ej ryan), baltimore (jon vance, collin seven) and more.
pre-orders start very soon
you know you'll wanna read one....

and after that we will  be collaborating with Lisa Busby of goldsmith's college, university of london (as well as of SLEEPS IN OYSTERS and Editions Of You fame) to release a cool art book having to do with her Shit! I can DJ! project.
get stoked, she's rad.

and before this excellent 2013 year is over, we are hoping to publish a book of mike rimm's short stories and a collection of writing and photos from some of our young farmer friends.
wouldnt those things be well worth reading?
yes you think so.

info and ordering here.

or just watch the video above a hundred times